WSSA Seeking Director of Publications

The Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) is seeking a qualified individual to serve as a Director of Publications (DP). Dr. Sarah Ward has served in this capacity for two terms and plans to step down in 2020.The Director of Publications is appointed for a three-year renewable term and serves as a voting member of the WSSA Board of Directors with the following responsibilities:
1. Provide leadership in developing policy for all WSSA publications.
2. Act as primary liaison with the WSSA journal publisher and work with the Publishing Editor, Managing Editor and journal Editors to maintain quality of WSSA journals.
3. Serve as primary contact with any special publications printer/publisher, and liaise with the WSSA Executive Secretary as required.
4. Supervise and coordinate publications-related press releases and social media posts.
5. Recommend to the President candidates for appointment by the WSSA Board of Directors as Editor of Weed Science, Editor of Weed Technology, Editor of Invasive Plant Science and Management, Editor of the Herbicide Handbook, and Editor of the WSSA Newsletter.
6. Appoint Associate Editors of Weed Science, Weed Technology, and Invasive Plant Science and Management upon recommendation by the respective journal Editors, and inform the WSSA President of appointments.
7. Serve as Chair of the Publications Board.
8. Serve as ex-of;icio member of the Weed Science, Weed Technology, and Invasive Plant Science and Management Editorial Boards, and other publication activity committees as directed.
9. Advise the WSSA journal Editors on publication ethics, including acting as ;inal adjudicator in any dispute.
10. Provide copyright permissions in the general interest of the Society as needed.
11. Chair the WSSA Outstanding Reviewer Award Subcommittee.
12. In consultation with the WSSA membership, identify ideas for new publications in applied and fundamental aspects of weed science.
13. Serve as Board of Directors liaison to WSSA committees as assigned by the President-Elect. Candidates should have a strong interest in and knowledge of current developments in scholarly publishing, at least three years experience as Associate Editor on the editorial board of one or more WSSA journals, and experience as a peer reviewer for WSSA journals and/or other journals in related fields.

To apply, email a letter of intent and resume to DP Search Chair, Dr. Sarah Ward
([email protected]). The application period will end on November 15, 2019, or when a suitable candidate is identified. Ideally, the individual selected would be available to work alongside Sarah Ward for a six-month period beginning in March 2020 before assuming full responsibilities. Please contact Sarah Ward with any questions regarding the position.