The study of weeds and their effects on our environment. Browse the links below to learn more about weeds.

WSSA members are actively involved in addressing some of the most important issues facing our modern world. Our objectives are to:

Fees, applications and all other questions regarding WSSA Society activities should be directed to our business office ([email protected]), who handles many of the business functions of our Society.

All queries regarding WSSA publications should be directed to our business office ([email protected]).

All queries regarding specific papers, articles or books should go directly to the author of the document. If you suspect that the author is a member of our society you can go to the Society Member Directory and search for the name and address of the author.

We do not provide research services. If you would like to do the research yourself, there are numerous University libraries that carry copies of the “Weed Science” , Invasive Plant Science and Management, and “Weed Technology” journals.

Because laws differ greatly by region most queries require a response by someone familiar with local conditions and regulations. Usually the best people to address such queries are “Weed Extension Specialists” which are located at the Land Grant Universities of each state. You can identify the proper specialist who can answer your questions by contacting your local University Extension office. In Canada, each Province has weed scientists located at Federal stations across the country. These people are knowledgeable and trained to answer your questions.

All weed images are the property of the owner and may not be copied or used without their permission.