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USDA Forest Service Regional (1 & 4) Pesticide Use and Invasive Plants Program Manager

Description of Duties

The Pesticide Use and Invasive Plants Program Manager is a member of the Forest Health Protection (FHP) team in the Regional Office. Duties support State, Private, and Tribal Forestry (SPTF) and Natural Resources (NR) program areas, forests, grasslands, state, private, tribal, and other federal partners. This position serves two related but somewhat distinct roles: 1) regional pesticide use coordinator/program lead and 2) Forest Health Protection invasive plants program lead. The Pesticide Use and Invasive Plants Program Manager is our subject matter expert for all pesticide-use activities, providing technical advice, assistance, and consultation on the safe and effective use of pesticides and the management of invasive plants including but not limited to: • Use of service-wide Human Health and Ecological Risk Analyses (HHERA) to guide Forest Planning and NEPA related to pesticide use. • Guidance relating to internal (FSM 2150, FSH 2109.14) and external (state, federal, tribal) pesticide use policy and direction to stakeholders. • Recommendations on pesticide selection, application and safety including the use of Integrated Pest Management techniques. • Working with the Forest Health Assessment and Applied Sciences Team, universities, industry, and other stakeholders around the development of new tools and technologies related to pesticide application and safety, including representing the interests of the Forest Service in the development of new pesticide products. • Monitoring, providing quality control and training for invasive plant and pesticide data reporting into the database of record (TESP-IS). • Ensuring that Forests and Grasslands are compliant with the permitting requirements related to pesticide use for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System / Clean Water Act. • Providing review of all Pesticide Use Proposals (FS-2100-2) under the approval authority of the Regional Forester. • Administering federal financial assistance / state cooperative invasive plant and biological control grants to partners. • Providing training, including but not limited to obtaining pesticide applicator licenses, as necessary to National Forest employees, federal, state, tribal and private forest landowners/ managers in collaboration with other stakeholders. • Pesticide program/project implementation, inspection, and monitoring. • Representing the Forest Service on regional & national working groups, at technical (scientific) meetings, at state weed meetings, on Cooperative Weed Management Areas, Weed & Pest Councils, and Invasive Species Councils. • Working with regional and forest staff and forest invasive plant program leads to implement Forest Service policy (FSM 2900) and forest plan direction with regard to invasive plant management. • Assist with National Environmental Policy Act preparation and analysis in regard to invasive plant management and pesticide use. This position will be filled within Regions 1 & 4 footprint. If you are interested, please respond to Nat Alea Hile, R1/R4 SPTF Administrative Officer: [email protected] with a brief statement of interest and your current resume by close of business February 9, 2024.
Federal job applications have specific requirements for inclusion in the application itself and attachments. For helpful tips on applying for a federal position, please visit these links:FSJOBS: http://www.fs.usda.gov/working-with-us/jobs Applicant Tips: http://www.fs.usda.gov/sites/default/files/fs-jobs-applicant-tips.pdf

Type of position





Closing Date


Date Position Available

USDA Forest Service