Dr. William Richard Byrnes Obituary

Dr. William Richard Byrnes, of W. Lafayette, IN, died at 10:18 am, September 29, 2024, in West Lafayette, Indiana. Born October 12, 1924, to the late William H. and Effie M. Byrnes, in Barnesboro, PA, he graduated from Barnesboro High School in 1942. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Forest Management at Penn State University in 1950; a Master’s Degree in Forest Ecology in 1951; and a PhD in Soil Science in 1962.

He married E. Jane Thomas of Patton, PA, on September 10, 1947, and she died on April 6, 2016.

Dr. Byrnes was Professor of Forest Soil and Water Management in the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources at Purdue University from 1962 to 1975, Assistant Head and Director of Research from 1975 to 1985, and Head of the Department from 1985 until retirement as Professor Emeritus in November 1989. Previously, he was Associate Professor of Forestry and Director of Research in the School of Forest Resources at Penn State University and a Soil Scientist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Columbia County, PA.

He was an Aviation Machinist, specializing in aircraft hydraulic systems, in the U.S. Navy from March 1943 to April 1946. He served with Carrier Aircraft Service Unit 21 (CASU 21) in the Atlantic Theatre with Headquarters in Norfolk VA, during World War II.

Dr. Byrnes taught courses in Forest Soil and Water Management, Forest Typology, Restoration of Disturbed Land, Forest Research Methods, and Graduate Seminars. He served as a Major Professor for 26 master’s and doctoral students at Penn State and Purdue. He published 90 scientific papers in soil science, forest ecology, hydrology, weed science, and land reclamation.

He was a member of several professional and scientific organizations including the Society of American Foresters, Agronomy Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, Weed Science Society, National Walnut Council, Utility Arborists Association, and Council for Agricultural Science and Technology. He was recognized in several honorary and scholastic societies including Sigma Xi, Xi Sigma Pi, Gamma Sigma Delta, Who’s Who in America, American Men and Women of Science, and Who’s Who in Frontier Science and Technology. He was an elected “Fellow” of the Society of American Foresters.

After retirement, he continued research and educational activities as a consultant in forest soils and ecology. He served on the Board of Governors of Environment Consultants, Inc. in Southampton, PA, for 10 years. In 1995, he received a Distinguished Service Award from the Pennsylvania Electric Association for his innovative research on vegetation management systems on utility right-of-way. In 1997, he received the Education Award from the Utility Arborists Association. In 2003, he and his colleague Dr. William C. Bramble, were recipients of the L.C. Chadwick Award for arboricultural research from the International Society of Arboriculture.

Dr. Byrnes was a member of the Church of the Blessed Sacrament in West Lafayette, IN, where he served as a member of the church council and sang in the choir for 35 years. He attended Santa Catalina Catholic Church in Oro Valley, AZ, during winter months since retirement and also was a member of the church choir.

Surviving are two daughters, Jeanette M. Mailloux of Moore, SC; Ellen E. Byrnes of Lafayette, IN, and two sons, Michael R. Byrnes of Indianapolis, IN; and Robert H. Byrnes of Austin, TX; and six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Dr. Byrnes was preceded in death by his wife, Ellen Jane; daughter, Alice Susan (Byrnes) Smith; his parents, William H. and Effie M. Byrnes; sisters Anna Marie (Byrnes) McCormich, and Rita Mae (Byrnes) Johns; and brothers, Bernard C. Byrnes and John Edward Byrnes.

Visitation will be one hour prior to a 2:00 pm Thursday mass at Church of the Blessed Sacrament West Lafayette on October 3, 2024. Officiating Fr. Daniel Shine interment Tippecanoe Memory Gardens
