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Recently, pesticide spray drift from different pesticide applications caused damage to field corn on a bordering farm, vegetables in an adjacent backyard,

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The U.S. Cooperative Extension Program is approaching its 100-year anniversary – an important milestone for an organization that has helped to transform American agriculture since its founding in May 1914. 

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A landscaping and irrigation company was recently fined for storing pesticides in the same area as combustible materials – a decision that could have led to an explosion and fire.

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Though the economy and housing market have begun to recover in the aftermath of the Great Recession, one unexpected impact still lingers. 

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An employer was fined recently after an inspection showed pesticide application information wasn’t posted at the job site, and an employee applied a pesticide without safety training or personal protective equipment (PPE).

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Over the past decade, dozens of “early detection, rapid response” initiatives have been launched by states to keep invasive species from devastating natural habitats and damaging our economy.

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This month pesticide safety educators, health professionals and other experts from around the U.S. will explore how to motivate pesticide handlers to use best practices concerning personal protective equipment (PPE).

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The Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) is among a broad coalition of public and private stakeholders gathering in our nation’s capital March 3-8 for National Invasive Species Awareness Week.

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This week the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) honored nearly two dozen individuals for their outstanding contributions to the field of weed science.

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Recently, an employee of an aerial application company was penalized for applying an agricultural pesticide without following all label directions and without the required applicator certification.

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  • Scheduled for February 4-7 in Baltimore, Maryland

Next month weed scientists, students, educators and professionals from around the world will gather in Baltimore for a joint annual meeting of the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) and the Northeastern Weed Science Society (NEWSS).

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If you are tempted to purchase a lovely specimen of crested floating heart (Nymphoides cristata) for your backyard water garden,

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