Weed science Society of America Logo


What is the most critical problem facing today’s organic grower? The USDA’s Invasive Weed Management Unit says the answer is weeds. They rob fields of moisture,

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Early bird registration now available for February 7-10 event in Portland, Oregon

Early bird registration is now open for the 51st annual meeting of the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) – an event that will focus on the latest developments in weed control research and management practices in agronomic,

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The Center for Integrated Pest Management (CIPM) has announced the launch of a new Pesticide Environmental Stewardship (PES) website. The site (http://pesticidestewardship.org) is designed for anyone who applies,

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Scientists recommend that you learn to identify and avoid plants that produce dangerous toxins. Your life may depend on it! Earlier this year a woman in Washington State died from suspected hemlock poisoning after gathering the leafy green weed and using it on a salad. Unfortunately her death wasn’t an isolated occurrence. Each year dozens of people die or are sickened by weeds they didn’t know would cause them harm.

University enrollment in crop sciences declines despite a growing demand for talent

While the U.S. job market remains in the doldrums in the wake of one of the deepest recessions in history,

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Virtually all weed-related programs cut from USDA-NIFA budget

May 12, 2010 — Today the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) announced it has issued a strong appeal to the U.S.

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Cross-border efforts to manage North America’s invasive plants and weeds will be the focus of an upcoming Weeds Across Borders conference scheduled for June 1-4 at the National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown,

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Researchers, manufacturers, farmers and applicators collaborate to control drift

Researchers today are transforming weed control with new precision tools and application techniques that can keep herbicides precisely where they belong.

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Nearly two dozen individuals from academia, government and private industry were honored recently by the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) for outstanding contributions to the field of weed science.

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Scientist Jodie Holt brings her knowledge of invasive plants and weeds to the blockbuster Avatar

Scientist Jodie Holt typically spends her days researching thistles and other invasive weeds that can play havoc on planet Earth.

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Hundreds of government officials, growers, agricultural researchers and extension personnel gathered recently to make decisions that will impact the quality and quantity of the fruits and vegetables on our tables and the ornamental plants that beautify our landscapes.

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– Researchers say cost-competitive management techniques can slow weed resistance to the herbicide and improve crop yields

Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in the nation and a mainstay of weed control for both farmers and homeowners.

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