Dear President-elect Trump’s Transition Team,

As representatives of the food and agriculture value chain, the undersigned organizations
write to express our enthusiasm for working with you and upcoming administration leaders
to ensure that America continues to have the safest,

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October 14, 2024

Dear Chairwoman Stabenow, Chairman Thompson, Ranking Member Boozman, and Ranking Member Scott,

In recent weeks,

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On July 22, 2024, the National and Regional Weed Science Societies were among 318 stakeholders who wrote a letter to EPA to share our concerns and seek a dialogue with EPA on ways to improve its process for assessing potential risks that pesticides may pose to endangered species and their critical habitats.

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Dear Administrator Li,

The Weed Science Society of America (WSSA), along with the Aquatic Plant Management
Society (APMS), North Central Weed Science Society (NCWSS),

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Dear Misters Bongard and Savage,
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (hereafter the EPA) White Paper Describing Benefits of Structured and Digital Content Labels for Pesticide Products (EPA-HQ-OPP-2023-0562).

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The Weed Science Societies suggest nine additional ways to mitigate the impact of herbicides on listed species due to spray drift, which includes decreased buffers for ultra-coarse droplets,

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On August 6, 2023, the WSSA submitted comments (link here) on the U.S. EPA’s proposed Vulnerable Listed Species Pilot Project: Proposed Mitigations,

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On November 16, the EPA released an Updated ESA Workplan that provides more details about how EPA plans to impose various mitigation measures that will be required on pesticide labels to meet its ESA obligations when registering a pesticide.

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PRIA 5 Support Letter PRIA established a new section of FIFRA in 2004 that put in place pesticide registration service fees paid by registrants in exchange for specific time periods for EPA to make a regulatory decision on pesticide registrations and tolerance actions.

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The WSSA submitted comments on October 7, 2022 to the EPA’s proposed revisions on the atrazine interim decision. Many thanks to our members who offered comments and suggestions.

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