โ Many thought-provoking topics to be explored during joint annual meeting of Weed Science and Rangeland Management Societies
Can the same robotic technologies used in manufacturing, mining and even warfare play a role in weed control? Is climate change fueling a new generation of aggressive weeds and making it tougher to manage them? These are two of the many thought-provoking topics to be explored during an upcoming joint annual meeting of the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) and the Society for Range Management (SRM).
Scheduled for February 8 through 11 in Denver, the event is expected to draw thousands of scientists, students, educators and professionals interested in weed management and the conservation of our natural resources. Among the keynote speakers expected to attend is Interior Secretary Ken Salazar.
More than two dozen meeting symposia are planned, including sessions on how robotic systems and global positioning technology can be used to detect, identify, map and target weed infestations. Other topics range from herbicide-tolerant crops and spray drift minimization to the growing problem of poisonous larkspur (Delphinium spp.) growing across the high plains, foothills and mountain rangelands of the western United States.
Joint technical sessions will focus on hot topics for weed scientists and rangeland managers. Among them are: the biology, physiology and ecology of weeds; weed biocontrol methods; weeds in turf and ornamentals; the impact of climate change; fire, landscape and rangeland ecology; and livestock and wildlife management. Full-day programs are planned on invasive weed biology, ecology and the globally integrated management of ecosystems โ including those in urban and suburban environments.
Tours offered in advance of the meeting include a ski trip, technical tours for hands-on learning experiences, and visits to western U.S. ranches and rangelands. To find out more or for registration information, visit http://www.wssa.net (or http://www.rangelands.org/denver2010).
About the Society of Range Management:
The Society for Range Management (SRM) is a professional and scientific society whose membership is involved in studying, conserving, managing and sustaining the varied resources of rangelands. SRM has more than 3,500 professional and scientific members in 38 countries, including land managers, ecologists, ranchers, erosion control specialists, educators and scientists, and decision makers in state and federal governmental agencies responsible for public land management. For more information, visit http://www.rangelands.org.
About the Weed Science Society of America:
The Weed Science Society of America, a nonprofit professional society, was founded in 1956 to encourage and promote the development of knowledge concerning weeds and their impact on the environment. The Weed Science Society of America promotes research, education and extension outreach activities related to weeds, provides science-based information to the public and policy makers, and fosters awareness of weeds and their impacts on managed and natural ecosystems. For more information, visit http://www.wssa.net.