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Graduate Student Travel Award Deadline Approaching Soon

The Weed Science Society of America is offering up to (6) Annual Meeting Grants to qualifying graduate student members for their first attendance at the WSSA annual meeting. These grants will provide for annual meeting registration fees as well as up to four nights lodging while at the meeting. Students and/or their graduate advisor are responsible for all remaining costs incurred to attend the WSSA annual meeting, including travel and meals.

This travel grant program is intended to encourage graduate student involvement in the WSSA annual meeting while students are in their early portion of their graduate program. Therefore, this grant is limited to students who have not yet attended a WSSA annual meeting. Students not in traditional weed science graduate programs are encouraged to apply for these travel grants. The WSSA professional Development Committee will screen applicants based on a written application, details listed below. Names of awardees will be announced at the WSSA awards ceremony.

Application Requirements:

1. Applicant must be a graduate student in good standing from an accredited institution with an interest in weed science and a desire to become a contributing member of the WSSA and the WSSA annual meeting.

2. Applicants must have written support from a faculty member at their current university.

3. The applicant must be willing to work at the 2014 WSSA annual meeting in a responsible and professional manner as directed in a designated area and/or with a designated responsibility for a portion of the WSSA annual meeting. Work responsibilities may include assisting with session operations, supporting the registration desk, poster session set-up or teardown, or other related duties involved in the operations of the WSSA annual meeting.

Application Materials: (PDF files or Word files only)

1. Name

2. Address and full name of the Institution of graduate studies.

3. Beginning date of the student’s current graduate degree program

4. A brief description the student’s current research activities

5. Current GPA

6. Anticipated date of graduation and degree to be conferred.

7. Provide the title and abstract for any presentations planned for WSSA, 2014.

8. Applicant’s objectives from attending WSSA, 2014. 300 words or less

9. Letter of support from the applicant’s supporting faculty member. The letter should address the applicant’s reason for participation in the WSSA, 2014 annual meeting and the likelihood that the applicant’s goals while at the 2014 WSSA annual meeting can be met. The letter of support should be no more than 300 words.

Application should be submitted by the graduate student as an email attachment.

PDF files or Word files only via email to Chad Brommer ( [email protected] ) by October 31st, 2013.