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“I can’t keep dicamba in the field” has been a frequent comment I have heard from many frustrated folks who have followed the rules and tried their best not to drift on their neighbors. Quite a few good and conscientious farmers
With herbicide resistance on the rise, more farmers are making tillage the foundation of their integrated weed management program. But new research shows that when tillage occurs can make a big difference
"We're struggling. We've got a couple of [organic] fields that have some real thistle problems. I want to get some tarps and solarize it — cover it up and see if we can get that to cook itself in some of the thicker areas,"

WESTMINSTER, Colorado – JULY 10, 2017 – Today the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) announced it will be participating in the 57th Annual Meeting of the Aquatic Plant Management Society (APMS),

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There is a $75 million grant program at APHIS called the “Plant Pest and Disease Management and Disaster Prevention” that has not been well utilized by our members. The program is also referred to as
Dicamba drift complaints are spreading across the Mid-South this season, prompting action to potentially ban it. Regulatory officials in the Southeast