Home » Current Annual Meeting » WSSA/SWSS 2024 Photo Contest
WSSA/SWSS 2024 Photo Contest
Deadline: January 15th, 2024
Subcommittee Chair:
Angela Post
[email protected]
101 Derieux Place Raleigh NC 27695
(919) 625-9850
This contest is open to members of the WSSA/SWSS. The subject of the photo must be related to weed science. There are three divisions: 1) Flowers and other reproductive structures 2) Vegetative growth and structures and 3) Weeds in the Landscape. Judges consider factors such as subject, composition, technical aspects, and overall appeal.
Attention photographers! Please read the following rules regarding photo contest entries and evaluations below:
General Rules
- Contest is open to WSSA/SWSS members.
- All images must be submitted in digital format (see specifics below)
- Subject of the photo should meet the criteria specified for one of the three divisions.
- Each contestant can enter a maximum of 3 images per division but can win only one prize per division.
- Prizes in each division are $150 for the winner and $75 for the runner-up.
- In some cases, an overall winner may be selected and presented the “WSSA Outstanding Photographer Award,” which includes a $300 prize.
- Members of the Photo Contest Subcommittee will judge the contest.
- Judges will consider factors such as subject, composition, lighting, technical aspects, and overall appeal.
Photo File Submission
- By submitting your files for the contest, you are providing permission for WSSA to use the image with credit to you on the society website if you are a winning or runner up entry.
- Photo files must be submitted by email as an attachment.
- Digital files must be a minimum of 2120 x 1416 pixel resolution or at least 3 megapixels for consideration.
- Digital media should be labeled with your name and address and the PC file format, which must be in .jpg, or .png format. Convert your files before submission. Other types will not be judged. Name your files to match all or a portion of your image title. A separate text file in Microsoft Word *.doc or ASCSII text *.txt format must be included giving the following information for each photo submitted.
Water Drops on Palmleaf Morningglory
Circa 1998
Raleigh, NC
Shawn Askew
Division (Flowers, Vegetative or Landscape)
Flowers and Fruit Division
Photo submissions in this division should have flowers, flowering inflorescences, fruit or seeds as the main subject of the photo. This also includes close-up (macro) photos of floral or fruit structures.
Vegetative Structures Division
Photo submissions in this division should have leaves, stems, roots (rhizomes and other vegetative reproductive structures are also included in this division) and other vegetative structures as the main subject of the photo. This also includes close-up (macro) photos of any part of a weed that is not floral or fruit.
Weeds in the Landscape Division
Photo submissions in this division can be of any weed related subject that does not fit in the first two categories. Examples include – but are not limited to – vines growing over fences or crops, a cluster or population of weeds in a field, roadside, or pond, herbicide symptoms on weeds or crops, or the effects of management practices on weeds or the environment.
Helpful tips and judging criteria
- Photos should not include identifiable people. Photos with people featured prominently and identifiable as part of the photo subject will automatically be disqualified from the contest.
- Photos should not include insects unless they are incidental in the background. Photos with insects featured prominently as part of the photo subject will automatically be disqualified from the contest.
- The judges will be looking for creativity and technical excellence when selecting the photographs. Aspects of creativity include composition, lighting, use of color and contrast, and unusual subjects or viewpoints. Technical aspects include focus, sharpness, appropriate depth-of-field, exposure, and the presence of distracting elements in the photo.