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Post-Doc with Oregon state university in Pendleton, OR

Type of position Postdoc Scholar
Employer Oregon state university
Location Pendleton, OR
Description of Location The Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center is co-located with the Columbia Plateau Conservation Research Center, a unit of the USDA-ARS. Both facilities have 35 personnel that conduct research on production of dryland crops. Pendleton has a population of 17,000 and serves as a regional economic center with attributes of a larger city. Recreational opportunities abound at nearby rivers and mountains. https://agsci.oregonstate.edu/cbarc
Salary Stipend and benefits conform with postdoctoral scholar standards at OSU.
Closing date of competition 11/18/2022
Date position available 01/01/2023
Description of duties

The successful candidate will conduct activities to study:

  • How different farming practices (residue management, tillage vs no-till, intercropping, cover cropping, or N fertilization) impact weed infestation and weed
  • How changes in soil C stocks and soil health indicators in the different long-term experiments at Pendleton affect dryland grain yields and quality, plant disease incidence, and weed

The successful candidate will be expected to write scientific and extension publications from the mentioned studies; and will also be expected to work in a team environment and contribute to the research interests/projects of the group.

Qualifications sought


  • The qualified candidates should have received a doctoral degree in Weed Science, Agronomy, Plant ecology or related field before the starting date.
  • Preference will be given to applicants that have received their PhD within five years of the start date. Experience and skills:
  • Strong experience in data analysis using the statistical software
  • A sound knowledge of and research experience in weed science, agronomy, plant ecology, or
  • Experience in
  • Experience in writing journal articles in
  • Excellent communication
  • Experience working in a team environment and independently.
  • Commitment to diversity, equity, and
  • Valid US driver’s license or ability to obtain it within 30-60 days of
  • The ability to pass a criminal history
Application procedure  
Submit what All applicants should send a cover letter indicating their interest and qualifications as related to the position along with a curriculum vitae and the contact information of 3 references via email.
Submit to To [email protected].
The subject of the email should indicate “Application Weed Science Postdoc”.
First round of application reviews will begin on Nov 22, 2022, but position will remain open until filled.
For full consideration, please apply by Nov 18, 2022.