Graduate Research Assistant in Turf Weed Science (Two positions available) with Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA

Type of position Assistantship for pursuing graduate studies (PhD preferred but M.S. also considered)
Employer Virginia Tech
Location Blacksburg, VA
Salary Approx. $30,000
Benefits Tuition and fees are covered, fringe benefits include health care, etc. Inquire for more information.
Closing date of competition December 2024
Date position available Spring/Summer 2024
Description of duties

Dr. Askew’s lab at Virginia Tech seeks applications for a fully-funded graduate assistantship position in Turfgrass Weed Science. We conduct applied and basic research on weed control, weed ecology, herbicide physiology, precision agriculture, and alternative weed control technologies. The incoming student can choose a project ranging from assessing spray pattern deposition with UV tracer dye to killing weeds on greens with lasers. A recent grant is focused on determining the effect of weeds and other surface phenomena on golf ball kinematics on greens. We also have several projects focused on pollinator foraging behavior as influenced by weeds of urban landscapes or weed management inputs. Former students have been well placed in agrochemical companies and academic institutions. Interested applicants can reach out to Dr. Shawn Askew via emailing at [email protected]

Qualifications sought

Applications must have a strong background in weed science, field research in agronomy, entomology, pathology or related disciplines, or turfgrass science. Preferred skillset includes:

  1. Candidates with a B.S. or M.S. degree in weed science, turfgrass science, or related agronomic sciences.
  2. Strong desire to work individually and in teams for collaborative research projects.
  3. Candidates with experience in applied field, greenhouse, or growth chamber experiments
  4. Motivation to manage varied projects as part of the laboratory team in addition to conducting research related to dissertation projects.
Contact for additional information Navdeep Godara ([email protected]) and Dr. Shawn Askew ([email protected])
Application procedure  
Submit what CV or Resume and statement explaining how graduate studies in weed science supports your career goals.
Submit to Navdeep Godara ([email protected]) and Dr. Shawn Askew ([email protected])
Additional Information