FY 25 USDA-NIFA AFRI Coalition Funding Support Letter

Dear Chairman Harris, Chairman Heinrich, Ranking Member Bishop, and Ranking Member Hoeven:

The Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) Coalition is composed of research institutions, scientific societies, and other food and agricultural stakeholders. Working together, we advocate for increased investments in AFRI, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) flagship competitive grants program for fundamental and applied research, extension, and education in support of all topics across the food and agricultural enterprise.

For FY 2025, we request an appropriation of no less than $500 million for the AFRI program. This funding level for the program is needed to invest in crucial areas aimed at addressing our nation’s most urgent and pressing food, agriculture, and public health challenges. AFRI-funded research plays a pivotal role in advancing food and agriculture knowledge, innovation, and technology, which are critical for the economic well-being of our farmers, supporting rural communities, protecting limited natural resources, maintaining the overall health and safety of our food supply, and preserving global competitiveness.

Click Here to read the full Letter.