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Scientists have just concluded a six-year study of potential controls for pale swallowwort and black swallowwort (Vincetoxicum spp.) – two perennial vines native to Europe that are invading habitats in northeastern North America.
A new study featured in the most recent issue of the journal Weed Technology explores foliar treatment options for herbicide-resistant waterhemp, an annual broadleaf weed species that can be devastating to corn and soybean crops.
A new study featured in the journal Invasive Plant Science and Management indicates that invasive wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) is genetically a lot closer to its vegetable cousin than previously thought.
A study eatured in the most recent issue of the journal Weed Technology shows that properly timed postemergence herbicides can play an important role in the control of glyphosate-resistant
Yellow nutsedge is a grass-like plant that has a well-earned reputation as one of the world's worst weeds. Not only does it grow aggressively in crops like rice and soybean
A study featured in the most recent issue of the journal Weed Technology shows that post-harvest treatment of glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth can significantly reduce
The U.S. oil and gas industry has grown rapidly in the past decade, creating thousands of new jobs across a broad geography. The digging performed around rigs and pipelines, though