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WSSA Member Scientist Honored as AAAS Fellow

Dr. Martin Williams joins the rare few in a weed science discipline to achieve this lifetime recognition

Posted on May 9, 2024

Image: Dr. Martin Williams

WESTMINSTER, Colorado – 9 May 2024 – The Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) celebrates a prestigious honor bestowed recently on one of its longtime members, Martin (Marty) Williams, Ph.D., a research ecologist for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) in Urbana, Illinois, and associate editor of Weed Science, a WSSA publication. In April, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Council elected Dr. Williams to its 2023 class of Fellows “for distinguished contributions to the fields of weed science and vegetable crop production, and service to those communities.”

Dr. Williams and his research teams are internationally renowned for breakthrough research on multiple topics, which include mitigating the dual threat from weeds and climate change on grain crops. “The AAAS Fellows recognition is a very prestigious honor and not often awarded to individuals working in a weed-science discipline,” says Steve Young, Ph.D., National Program Leader for Weeds and Invasive Pests with the USDA ARS Crop Production and Protection National Program and member of WSSA’s Research and Competitive Grants Committee. “All of us at WSSA and our collaborating scientists are ecstatic for Marty to achieve this well-deserved recognition. Not only has Marty and his team conducted weed science research on topics that are impactful and highly practical, but also those that are groundbreaking and innovative in their methodology.”

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