Corn is a great rotational crop and has been recommended to assist with control of glyphosate-resistant pigweed. The bad news is that the EPA is reconsidering atrazine registration.
armers and agriculture experts in corn belt states are wringing their hands over the appearance of a superweed called Palmer amaranth. The tall, tough weed is native to the southwest and has been
Now as we sit on the edge of another potential explosion with auxin-resistant crops, I am hopeful that the entire agricultural community has learned some valuable lessons from the “glyphosate era.’
The label to spray dicamba on Xtend soybean and cotton has arrived. Specifically, the dicamba products that will be labeled are XtendiMax from Monsanto and Engenia (label expected in the future) from BASF.
“We as weed scientists need to be much more aggressive with education over regulation,” Culpepper said in his Williams Hall lecture to students, faculty and others. “The EPA does not educate; they regulate. But we can use education
Why has ragweed -- a highly allergenic plant -- been spreading so quickly? Researcher Michael Martin took a six-week road trip across the USA and collected 1000 samples
Cover crops, hand pulling and tillage practices play critical roles in managing resistant weeds in addition to the use of herbicides.
A native parasitic plant found commonly throughout south-eastern Australia, is showing great promise as a potential biological control agent against introduced weeds that cost millions of dollars every year to control.
By using a clever combination of two inexpensive additives to the spray, researchers found they can drastically cut down on the amount of liquid that bounces off plants.
Weed administration is extremely impacted by excessive temperatures mixed with low and variable precipitation. Scorching climate and drought have an effect on the germination, development,
Every crop protection product that reaches the market costs $286 million and takes 11 years of research and development to ensure the highest safety and efficacy standards, according to a new report published
The Weeds Management Branch has ordered a Top End farmer to take 1,200 bales of hay to the Katherine pelleting plant because they were found to contain the weed grader grass.