June 4, 2019 – Today the Weed Science Society of America announced it will participate in the joint annual meeting of the Aquatic Plant Management Society (APMS) and Western Aquatic Plant Management Society (WAPMS), scheduled for July 14-17 in San Diego, California.

Fighting Back Against Pigweed

WSSA highlights successful awareness initiative & best practices  


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Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is taking an important step in the agency’s review of glyphosate. As part of this action, EPA continues to find that there are no risks to public health when glyphosate is used in accordance with its current label
I think I can safely say after more than 27 years of professional experience, obtained in three different regions of our GREAT country, that most Extension personnel have dedicated their lives to helping solve the problems of American agriculture.
It's been a fairly common practice for cotton and soybean farmers to add Roundup to the tank mix to broaden the spectrum of weed control when they were spraying glyphosate - and dicamba-tolerant crops.
It’s been said, the early bird gets the worm. In weed management, the early bird catches the weed while it’s still small, according to a New Mexico State University Extension weed specialist.
In a world where resistant weeds run rampant, one chemical company is bringing relief to corn, soybean and rice farmers. FMC will introduce a novel rice herbicide and a corn and soybean herbicide in the next five to ten years.
Across North America, the benefit from glyphosate-tolerant soybeans has been calculated at more than $3 billion annually through lower food prices.

Source credit: www.arkansasonline.com 

Farmers will be allowed to use dicamba on soybeans and cotton for the next two years, even as other farmers and weed scientists say the herbicide still has a tendency to move off target and damage other crops and vegetation.

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The EPA has announced it will extend the registration of dicamba for two years for over-the-top use in dicamba-resistant crops. Jason Norsworthy, University of Arkansas weed scientist, was unfazed by the news. “There’s nothing there that surprised me. 
Over the last several years, Xtend crops and new dicamba formulations have been fraught with controversy. Might the strife generated by off-target movement and regulatory edicts be dialed back?
For decades, the fight against weeds in Arkansas agriculture – barnyardgrass and Palmer amaranth, in particular – has been an ongoing war of attrition as weed populations gradually acquire resistance to one herbicidal chemistry after another.