Science Policy

Lee Van Wychen, Ph.D.
Executive Director of Science Policy
Weed Science Society of America
5720 Glenmullen Pl,
Alexandria, VA 22303
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 202-746-4686
Following is an archive of historical research priorities identified by the Weed Science Society of America. This collection includes documents such as comments to USDA-AFRI, reports of NIFA stakeholder workshops, USDA-ARS 5-year plans, manuscripts, among others.
- Aquatic Invasive Species: Additional Steps Could Help Measure Federal Progress in Achieving Strategic Goals
–GAO-16-49, November 2015 - Two USDA Agencies Can Enhance Safeguards against Project Duplication and Strengthen Collaborative Planning
–GAO-13-255, Apr 12, 2013 - Scientific Integrity: EPA’s Efforts to Enhance the Credibility and Transparency of Its Scientific Processes
– GAO-09-444T, June, 2009
– Highlights - Wildland Fire Management: Actions by Federal Agencies and Congress Could Mitigate Rising Fire Costs and Their Effects on Other Agency Programs
– GAO-09-444T, April, 2009 - Endangered Species Act: Many GAO Recommendations Have Been Implemented, but Some Issues Remain Unresolved
– GAO-09-225R, December, 2008 - Federal Land Management: Use of Stewardship Contracting Is Increasing, but Agencies Could Benefit from Better Data and Contracting Strategies
– GAO-09-23, November, 2008
– Highlights - Genetically Engineered Crops: Agencies Are Proposing Changes to Improve Oversight, but Could Take Additional Steps to Enhance Coordination and Monitoring
– GAO-09-60, November, 2008
– Highlights - Natural Resource Management: Opportunities Exist to Enhance Federal Participation in Collaborative Efforts to Reduce Conflicts and Improve Natural Resource Conditions
– GAO-08-262, February, 2008
– Highlights - Invasive Species: Cooperation and Coordination Are Important for Effective Management of Invasive Weeds
– GAO-05-185, February, 2005
– Highlights - Agricultural Quarantine Inspection Program: Management Problems May Increase Vulnerability of U.S. Agriculture to Foreign Pests and Diseases
– GAO-08-96T, October, 2007
– Highlights - Agricultural Conservation: Farm Program Payments Are an Important Factor in Landowners’ Decisions to Convert Grassland to Cropland
– GAO-07-1054, September, 2007
– Highlights - Prairie Pothole Region: At the Current Pace of Acquisitions, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Is Unlikely to Achieve Its Habitat Protection Goals for Migratory Birds
– GAO-07-1093, September, 2007
– Highlights - Forest Service: Vegetation Management Projects Approved during Calendar Years 2003 through 2005 Using Categorical Exclusions
– GAO-07-1016T, June, 2007
– Highlights - Agricultural Conservation: USDA Should Improve Its Management of Key Conservation Programs to Ensure Payments Promote Environmental Goals
– GAO-07-370T, January 17, 2007
– Highlights - USDA Conservation Programs: Stakeholder Views on Participation and Coordination to Benefit Threatened and Endangered Species and Their Habitats
– GAO-07-35, November, 2006
– Highlights
Updates & Recent Items
Read the WSSA comments on mitigation of exposure to bees from toxic pesticide products
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Read the WSSA comments to EPA to promote greater awareness and adoption of herbicide resistance best management practices
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View a webcast of the congressional hearing on ‘Super Weeds’. Also read the written testimonies that were submitted by witnesses.
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The Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) was asked by the United States Department of Agriculture-Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS) to perform an analysis of the weed management implications associated with the potential deregulation and commercialization of glyphosate and glufosinate-resistant creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) varieties.
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Dear Chairwoman Murray, Vice Chair Collins and Subcommittee Chairman Heinrich and Ranking Member
We, the Friends of IR-4 and the Commodity Liaison Committee (CLC) of the IR-4 are writing to you in strong
support of the House Agriculture Appropriations bill that passed out of Committee on July 10,
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Dear Chairman Cole, Ranking Member DeLauro and Subcommittee Chairman Harris and Ranking Member
We, the Friends of IR-4 and the Commodity Liaison Committee (CLC) of the IR-4 are writing to you in strong support of the House Agriculture Appropriations bill that passed out of Committee on July 10,
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Dear Chairman Harris, Chairman Heinrich, Ranking Member Bishop, and Ranking Member Hoeven:
As your Committees consider Appropriations for the Agriculture,
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Dear Chairman Harris, Chairman Heinrich, Ranking Member Bishop, and Ranking Member Hoeven:
The Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) Coalition is composed of research institutions,
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Dear Chairman Harris, Chairman Heinrich, Ranking Member Bishop, and Ranking Member Hoeven:
The undersigned members of the Friends of the Agricultural Research Service (FARS) Coalition write to thank you for your continued support of the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) in FY 2024.
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During the week of April 17, the presidents from the four regional weed science societies and WSSA traveled to Washington DC to advocate on behalf of weed science policy initiatives and help WSSA achieve its mission of promoting research,
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The WSSA sent a letter to Congressional leadership in support of the $7.75 billion for agricultural research in the Budget Reconciliation proposal.
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The six national and regional weed science societies joined over 35 other organizations in a letter to House and Senate Appropriations Committee leaders with recommendations for FY 2022 invasive species management funding levels.
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The WSSA submitted both written and oral comments for a proposal about what technologies should be available to a “farm of the future”.
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The Weed Science Societies joined over 350 other national, regional, and state ag organizations and companies in a letter to House and Senate Agriculture Committee leadership to request their support for $11.5 billion in ag research infrastructure investments over five years.
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Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Jerry Moran (R-KS), reintroduced legislation, S. 1371, that would require a five percent annual funding increase each year for the next 10 years for research activities at USDA’s ARS,
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Presented on Feb. 26, 2021. The U.S. federal agencies responsible for invasive species management in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, in general, have sufficient legislative authority from Congress to manage invasive species.
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In early December, WSSA and APMS joined more than 170 other organizations and institutions across all disciplines and areas of science and research in a letter to congressional leadership,
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The National and Regional Weed Science Societies joined over 270 other national, regional and state organizations to urge Congress to provide $380 million to our agricultural research,
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The six National and Regional Weed Science Societies joined over 80 other organizations in supporting legislation introduced by Senator Dick Durbin (IL) that would authorize a 5% inflation-adjusted annual increase for the next 5 years for agricultural research at USDA-ARS,
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The Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) wrote to USDA Sec. Perdue to express concerns our members have about the relocation of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) outside the National Capitol Region (NCR).
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The National and Regional Weed Science Societies joined over 30 other organizations in supporting the agricultural research provisions in the Senate Farm Bill.
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There is currently a push to get IR-4 funded at $19 million in FY 2019. Annual funding for IR-4 has been stagnating at around $11.9 million for nearly a decade.
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